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Walking Each Other Home: Resources for Caregiver and Family Support

A Facebook group created and curated by the Hospice of the Fisher Home to provide support for caregivers, companions, and family members of the Fisher Home community, in the residence and at home. Living with dying, supporting a loved one's journey and transition, coping with and managing terminal illness and death, and the paperwork, all of this is hard. This page is a place to find resources, support, hints and tips, solace, humor, and an outpouring of love. Every one who lands here 'gets it'. Grab a cup of tea and scroll through, ask a question, leave a comment. Here at Walking Each Other Home, it is ok not to be ok.

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Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western MA
The Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western Massachusetts is a non-profit, non-sectarian, volunteer-run educational organization dedicated to helping you make informed choices about funeral or memorial arrangements. We advocate for your right to choose dignified, meaningful and affordable options.
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Highland Valley Elder Services
Highland Valley Elder Services serves older adults and their families through collaboration, education, advocacy and a range of programs designed to support them where they live.
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Honoring Choices Massachusetts

Serious Illness care is for individuals of any age, from infants to older adults, living with a serious life-limiting medical condition or advancing frailty. A serious illness conversation  between a patient and health care provider centers on the individual. After a conversation, patients/legal advocates make choices about the kind of care they want and do not want.

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In Massachusetts, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are combined into one program called MassHealth. MassHealth members may be able to get doctors visits, prescription drugs, hospital stays, and many other important services.
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Care Compare

Find and compare hospice providers near you.

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Learn about Medicare.

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Order of the Good Death

Building a meaningful, eco-friendly and equitable approach to the end of life.

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Hospice and Palliative Care Federation of Massachusetts

HPCFM’s mission is to advance and promote excellence in end of life care by: advocating for its members, patients, families and the end-of-life care giving community; providing education and enhancing awareness

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National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization / Caring Info

During serious illness, CaringInfo is here to help you make informed decisions about care and services before a crisis. Understanding and discussing topics like advance directives, palliative care, caregiving and hospice care may feel overwhelming on top of dealing with a serious or life-limiting illness. Here you can find guides and resources to help.

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Call, email, or come visit us!

1165 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01002

Phone (413) 549-0115

Fax: (413) 549-1694

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